About Me
Hi! My name is Alexis, and I am the author of the Successful 20Somethings blog. I myself am in my 20s and realize how transitional and confusing this time can be. A lot of us are trying to figure out who we really are, what it is we want to do with our lives, and what success looks like to each of us. When speaking with my friends, our 20s seem to be this endless cycle of growth and transition; a journey full of ups and downs on our ways to becoming the best versions of ourselves. We all need encouragement and motivation during those cycles of ups and downs, which is why I created this blog.
This blog is a place where you can come for motivation, guidance, and the honest truth. As stated, I am still in my 20s and do not know everything. I do, however, feel that sharing some of the tips that have helped me this far, as well as the lessons I’ve learned may be able to help some of you. I want to be a voice of support and motivation when you need it. I am the friend that does not judge and will always look for ways to help you be the best you can be, but I will also tell you the ugly truth. No, everything will not always be roses and gumdrops; life is not always like a box of chocolates. But, when you open your eyes to that fact, you can figure out how to navigate life to make it work in your favor.
I learned a lot of hard lessons in my early 20s. I’ve gone through job loss, heartbreak, struggling friendships, family issues, the works! BUT, those lessons I learned helped me figure out who I am, what it is I want, and how to live a happier and more fulfilled life. I still go through hardships, but the lessons I’ve learned have helped me become the successful 20 something I am today. I am passionate about helping others, and I want to help you all become the best and most successful versions of yourselves as well.
Life is yours for the taking, but you have to figure out how to master your mind, make life work for you (not the other way around), and go after everything you want unapologetically. Success is yours for the taking, so let’s get off that ass and go get it!
Yours Truly,
“I’m not going to continue knocking on that old door that doesn’t open for me. I’m going to create my own door & walk through that one.”
-Ava DuVernay