Growth Is Like A Rollercoaster
Your 20s are pretty much a rollercoaster of growth. You are continuously figuring out who you are, what matters to you, how to get where you want in life, etc. One thing I think we can all agree on, is that as great as growth is, it can be the most uncomfortable place to be. My challenge to you is to not allow yourself to remain in a comfortable state for too long. Don’t be afraid to push yourself out of your comfort zone.
I order the same thing every time I go to a restaurant, so i understand that change and growth are scary. Even though I know it is necessary, I will be kicking and screaming (mentally) the entire time! When things change you don’t always know what’s coming or what to expect. Uncertainty can be scary, but it can also be the best thing for you.
You should always allow yourself to enjoy your accomplishments or a resting period, but do not allow yourself to become stagnant. Adulting is hard! It can make us crave comfort and peace anywhere we can find it. But don’t let fear or comfort be the reason why you fall short of your goals.
Your 20’s are made for growth. It’s ok if you stumble or fall. It’s ok if you don’t have everything figured out. Use your 20s to get those learning mistakes out of the way. That way you will know where you want your roadmap to lead you. There is nothing wrong with not having life figured out even if you are past your 20s, but don’t do yourself a disservice and end up just as confused and clueless next year as you are now. If you do the work now, it just gives you more time to focus and enjoy what you want later down the road.
Make conscious decisions to do the very things that make you uncomfortable. Do the things you have always wanted to do but have never had the guts to.
“Make being uncomfortable a priority. For there you will find growth.” -Unknown