Tips on how to practice self-love!
As we get older, we find ourselves pulled in more and more directions. Work demands more, friendships demand more, family demands more, pets demand more! There is never a shortage of things that will need your attention, but what about you? Do you spend enough time focusing on yourself?
It can be easy to put our needs and wants on the back-burner, but let’s change that! This year let’s focus on making ‘self-love’ a priority.
This term ‘self-love’ has been floating around everywhere this past year, but the question is do you practice it enough, and do you practice it properly? Self-love is about pouring back into yourself in whatever way is most beneficial for you. That can take many different forms, but it should be practiced. Think of yourself as a bank. A bank serves several purposes. They provide loans, they hold money, they distribute money, etc. The bank will always have money to distribute, as long as money is being deposited. However, you have to make sure you deposit “money” into your own bank, because if you don’t, you may find your bank empty when you need a loan the most. Below are a few tips on how to practice self-love on a regular basis, so that your bank will never run low.
The first tip is to incorporate some sort of encouraging phrase into your daily routine. Some people like to put stickies on their mirrors or throughout their house/apartment. Others like to use apps that send them encouraging reminders every day. I personally use a planner that has motivational phrases for each day. Either way, that one moment of positivity in your day can really make a world of difference. Build in a moment where you can view an encouraging phrase and let it sink in for a few moments. If you find a way to incorporate viewing motivational phrases into your daily routine, I promise you will feel a difference in how you approach the day.
Another tip is to build 30 minutes to an hour every day into your schedule to do something you enjoy. This can include reading a book, it could be listening to music, working out, even going outside. Whatever it is that makes you happy, dedicate time to it each and every day. That way, even on the worst days, you will have something to look forward to that you know you will enjoy. And be sure to protect that time! Make sure you get your “happy time” each day no matter what. You may have to switch things around on your schedule on certain days, but make sure you are able to do what makes you happy. You have to be intentional with your self-love to feel the benefits.
My last tip to you is journaling. I have suggested journaling to all of my friends, and they all swear by it. Journaling does not have to be this dramatic experience, but it can be a fun and cleansing one. Go to TJ Maxx and grab a cute journal and pen. You could even stop by a Michael’s or a local craft store to decorate a plain journal. The purpose of the journal is to serve as a safe and or happy place that is for your eyes only. It can be your safe place to let your emotions out without fear of judgment; It can be a place where you record your happy moments, it can be a safe place to be vulnerable with yourself, or it can be a place where you write out life goals. Your journal can literally be anything you want it to be. You can write in it as little or as much as you want, but it is great to be able to unload your thoughts and or feelings in a place without judgment. It’s like writing on a piece of paper and then burning it in a fire to release it. Journaling is also great because it allows you to be able to look back at where you were earlier in the year, and see all of the things you have overcome as well as the progress you have made. I highly suggest journaling if you don’t already.
The fact is, you have to love yourself before you can expect anyone else to. We give so much to others that we can easily forget to put ourselves on the list of things to care for. Not this year! Make it a point to incorporate self-love into your regular schedule. Be sure to infuse positivity into your daily routine and use journaling as a way to not only track your progress but as a safe place to unburden yourself. Put yourself first this year. You are worth it and you deserve to come first.
Self-love is such an important part of keeping my sanity. It took many years for me to realize that I was important too. Thanks for the reminders.
It is so important! It’s crazy how we can figure out endless ways to help love others, but when it comes to ourselves, it can be pretty tricky to master. I’m glad this post was able to help send some positivity your way! You are the most important person in your life, and deserve to be treated as such :).